

Expert Staffs

Everyone says it, but in our case it’s true: our team is the secret to our success. Each of our employees is amazing in their own right, but together they are what makes Jafriam Solution such a fun and rewarding place to work.
Caren Obote
Digital Markerting - Lead
Jacktone Otieno
Business Developer
Mercy Wangalwa
Project Manager
Blax Nelson
Blockchain Copywriter
Epanaito Bismack
Project Manager
Wendy Tugahirwa
Web Developer
Juliet Wabwire
Human Resource
Gomba Joash
Senior Systems Developer
Mavinda Augustus
Full Stack Developer
Jeremiah Panaito
Software Quality Analyst
Obell Maxwell
Back-end & Dev Ops
Odero Elvis
Security Analyst
Malaa Newton
UX/UI Designer
Sharon Wangoi
Frontend Developer
Prisca Oloo
Abdi Mohamed
Backend Developer
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