
Have any question? Find answer here.

On this page, we have collected the most common questions about software/app development and the answers to them. If you can’t find what you’re looking for then feel free to ask us directly via contact form.
Where are your company’s office and employees located?
Our headquarters and 100% of our employees are located in Nairobi, Kenya (which is one of the most dynamic IT centers in East and Central Africa).
How long do I have to wait before the work on my project starts?
Typically, it takes about two days to start cooperating on the project. However, it depends on the project features and the number of people involved in it.
Will you sign an NDA?
Yes, sure. If you want to sign an NDA, we are always ready to do so.
What is the minimum budget you are willing to work with?
The minimum budget you can start with is $1,000. Over the years, our portfolio has been enriched with both large enterprise solutions and apps designed to implement single-person ideas. The project size is not that important to us, but its benefits and ability to solve specific problems are.
Do you provide product support services after the app development is complete?
Yes, we are always glad to provide technical support and service the apps we have developed. We can also further develop your software product if you need to implement new features or integrate third-party services.
How long does software development take?
We cannot possibly answer this question precisely because there are projects finished in 2 to 3 weeks, but there are also tasks that take several years to complete. To provide you with a precise answer, we have to evaluate the project complexity and the work scope. Knowing this information, we can provide you with the estimated time frame.